Another great evening for the Canterbury Health Innovation Network and what a beautiful location to hear about some of the Key Sector Challenges facing healthtech companies currently.

Thank you to Philip Aldridge at the Arts Centre for hosting the event in the Great Hall. It was exciting to hear about the aspirations for the Health Technology Centre due to open early 2023 in the Arts Centre.

A huge thank you also to our presenters.

Anne Ardnt from the Johner Institute shared insights on overcoming some of the key regulatory challenges facing healthtech / medtech companies in today’s environment.

Blake Quartly from Webtool stepped in for Al Duncan to talk about the Webtools workplace culture, and some of the activities they do to attract and retain their talented staff.

Noël Thomson, Supply Chain Advisor for NZTE covered off current major supply chain issues and how by utilising experts, NZTE’s reviews can help companies look at solutions and options to address these. 

Finally – thank you to Alison Adams from ChristchurchNZ for being our MC for the evening.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event – keep an eye on our FB and Website for more details.


Our New Health System

It was great to see so many of you in-person and online at our Canterbury Health Innovation event last night. Thanks to Al Duncan and Webtools for hosting us. This event would not have been possible without your support.

A massive thanks also to our speaker, Dr. Claire Braatvedt, who stepped in for Emily Mailes at the last minute. Claire is leading the digital and data operating model development for Health New Zealand, and joined us in-person to provide an update on the new health system structure and key priorities for data and digital.

Product to Market

Thank you to all those who joined us on Tuesday 15th February for our first event for 2022 - held virtually this time.

A special thank you to Callaghan Innovation for hosting the event, Andrew Clews, Head of HealthTech from Callaghan Innovation for his presentation on the HealthTech Activator and Connor Sutherland, Operations Manager, HeartLab for sharing about their journey.

We have more events in the pipeline so keep an eye on our Facebook page and website.  We hope that in the future we can get together in person, sooner rather than later!

From the CHI Team.

Innovation within our Health System

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our joint CHI and Canterbury Tech networking event this month at Manawa in the Te Papa Hauora Health Precinct.

A special thank you to Richard Dove, Michael Sheedy and Anya Hornsey from the CDHB who enlightened us on what and how innovation is taking place within our health system. Thanks also to Dan Hartwell for joining the Q&A session.

Please make sure you subscribe to avoid missing out on information and invitations to future events. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

From the CHI Team – Emma, Pip, Claire and Karen

Emma Renowden – ChristchurchNZ I  Pip Griffin – Te Papa Hauora

Claire Mai – Enztec I Karen Mason – NZTE

Commercialisation and Growth

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our CHI networking event last week. A special thank you to the team at ARANZ Medical for hosting the event. The theme was commercialisation and growth. Bruce Davey CEO shared ARANZ Medical’s story, including winning a national contact with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and how patience was key. 

Thanks to Paul Morrison, Managing Director and co-founder of OSSIS Limited who talked about the importance of giving things a go.

Thanks also to Anthony Butler from MARS Bioimaging Limited who shared the Mars evolution story, and what’s next for the company.

A great second event for 2021! Please make sure you subscribe to avoid missing out on information and invitations to future events. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.

From the CHI Team – Emma, Pip, Claire and Karen

Emma Renowden – ChristchurchNZ I  Pip Griffin – Te Papa Hauora

Claire Mai – Enztec I Karen Mason – NZTE

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our first event for 2021.

It was a beautiful autumnal evening to re-ignite the Canterbury Health Innovation Network. It was great to re-connect and hear a little about what’s happening in the Canterbury health tech sector.

Thanks to the New Zealand Clinical Research team who hosted the event. What a spectacular facility. Thank you Dr Chris Wynne, for enlightening us all how NZCR connects with global partners to conduct world class research here in Christchurch.

Thanks Harry Hawke from Webtools Health for sharing some your experiences working with a diverse range of clients in the health system to develop projects, the challenges and opportunities.

Sadly, Emma Renowden from ChristchurchNZ was unable to attend, but Simon Anderson stepped in to share insights from the recently undertaken cluster development exercise with the health tech industry in Canterbury.

A great first event for 2021. Please make sure you subscribe to avoid missing out on information and invitations to future events!

The CHI team – Emma, Pip, Claire and Karen

Emma Renowden ChristchurchNZ I  Pip Griffin Te Papa Hauora

Claire Mai Enztec I Karen Mason – NZTE


Inaugural Meeting of Canterbury Health Innovation

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the inaugural meeting of Canterbury Health Innovation last week at ChristchurchNZ. With more than 30 representatives from across the private sector there was a vibrant atmosphere and lots of new connections being made.

During the evening participants were invited to provide feedback on a proposed plan for the group. If you didn't get the opportunity to contribute your thoughts during the evening, you can do so via the survey link below.

Work has started on the creation of a website to showcase the various organisations across the Canterbury Health sector. A CHI representative will be in touch to ensure that you are happy to feature on the website and obtain a profile description.

CHI first meeting.jpg